Saturday 25 August 2018

The Rock Hunters of the week!


*drum roll* .....


For the best smile too! :)

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sleeping, baby and close-up

Friday 24 August 2018


Although I would not reccommend drinking glue! Tsk tsk naughty slime Sam!!

Wednesday 22 August 2018

The Happy Eaters

The Happy Eaters!

  Ok, so this might look a bit strange and it's all my fault really (Rae), me and my friends get together different friends each time and some like to do little random acts of kindness when we're out and about and help others. So Rae being as daft and Random as ever started a facebook page up called obviously The Happy Eaters, Jax's idea for the name though and we're fairly new at doing it, although Rae's been doing it possibly a bit longer!

 There's currently been Jax, Rae, Richard, Marie, Sarah, Claire, Hannah and John. 

(Not all together at one place YET!) 

Sometime's its just Jax and Rae, or Jax, Rae and Richard or Rae and John or Hannah, Jax and Rae or Claire, Jax and Rae and so forth...We are an odd bunch off people liking all different things at different times and places... could be anywhere at anytime...  

Rae hopes to post some more on her adventures with the Happy Eaters and hoping to take pictures of all our travels! A massive thank you to all those named above for meeting up with us and being there for us! <3 LOTS OF LOVE to you guys!

If you want to find us you can find us at The Happy Eaters FB page on facebook :D


Wednesday 15 August 2018

Rocking off lol


Ok, here I am have not been blogging for a bit! EEk sorry I know, I know!! I keep saying ill blog and I WILL! :D  I've had one great week at the Yorkshire mega!! BUT before all that my towns started a facebook page a bit like the love on the rocks and is placing rocks all around town like they are doing nationally! I'm so glad it's taken off here too!

These rocks were done by #EasingwoldRocks on facebook if your ever passing let them know if you find a rock or two or three! :D Most of the young ones have been out on the search and taken the good ones though haha...

Here's one rock I found :

 you can find the Easingwold rocks page at: Easingwold Rocks
 I met a few people when doing rock searching!
