Friday 22 June 2018

Bring on Tomorrow!


 Bring on tomorrow poster 

York LGBT Forum are proud to present a unique theatrical experience penned by local writer and director Steven Clark. Bring On Tomorrow takes the audience on an emotional journey through a history of LGBT landmark points and raises awareness on topics such as homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and hate crime. The characters are played by a cast of 22 local singers and they are backed by a live 32 piece orchestra under the helm of local Musical Director (now working in London’s West End) Ben Papworth.
Let yourself be guided through World War 2, The Stonewall Riots, The Birth of Pride, Lesbian & Gays Support the Miners, HIV in the 1980’s, the issues faced Aging without Children and to modern day issues we still face such as equality, same sex marriage and Chechnya.
This theatrical event of the LGBT calendar year is set to a backdrop of songs from West End and Broadway musicals such as; Love Never Dies, The King & I, Soho Cinders, Blood Brothers, Imagine This, Jeckyl & Hyde, Les Miserables, Sister Act, Mrs Henderson Presents and Anastasia to name a few.

Buy Tickets here! -



Friday 15 June 2018

Epic Disney Villains Medley - Peter Hollens feat. Whitney Avalon

Got to love this take !!

NAMASTE - Shoutout's!

I am starting to do what I call 'Namaste' Shout outs ... as NAMASTE means I bow to the devine in you I thought it sounded apt and after the day I have had today what better way to start it with a lady that lives locally.  All I will say in these posts is their first name / nickname and the road name so they know who they are if they ever read this to start.


Sue, on Penny Lane

 Thank you for the kindness of stopping to talk to me on your dog walk after a bad experience with 'an Avon Brochure Distribution'  

 I wish you all the best for the future in what ever you do and it was lovely meeting you, your dog and cat! :D <3 Thank you for making my day!  




Man saves dog from current flooding

I found this really moving as I watched it after coming back from work.

Enjoy and let me know what you think too! - Rae

10 Disneyland HACKS in 90 SECONDS!!

Thursday 7 June 2018

Local Pride Group!

The LGBT+ local pride march is taking place for anyone wanting to join.  I have friends that are going and thought I'd share a post on my blog for them.  With the local one to me being only:

from todays date.  I hope people from all over have a good time and enjoy them selves, who ever, what ever they may be! :D 
Link to the group on facebook.  It's great to see so many different people. -Rae.

York Pride's photo.

Sunday 3 June 2018

A random act has been answered again!

Just got this and I was so shocked that someone actually donated it to charity other than buying something themselves... I started a chain off !! I am over the moon that this Ms Watkins did this and she posted:

 "The 50p you left near the Galtres Centre was picked up by me and I have put it in the collection for Poppies for Tommy. Our town is going to purchase a There but not There soldier and we started to create 10 poppies to place around the War Memorial yesterday a the Summer Fayre. Thank you."

Apparently there is going to be this locally:

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