Wednesday 31 October 2018

Staple storage!!!

Well I never knew that!!! Lol 🀷‍♀️🀣 Did you?  

WTH!!! Wait hang on..... omg!? Yes lol wow.  lol never knew that. I blame my first teacher πŸ‘©‍🏫 lol 🀣🀣

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§Rae #randomness πŸƒ #Geocaching 🏘 #nature ♻️ #thanks πŸ™πŸ» #RAKtivist_Rae πŸ‘πŸ» #GreenGingerFae 

Monday 22 October 2018

Pets of the week

Ms and Master Lazenby’s Budgies and Jessie the dog. Win this weeks pets of the week for being the most energetic! 



Thursday 4 October 2018

The Case of the Disappearing Freddos

Rae's Random Acts!!

Yup, our towns been doing what most have over here in the UK.  Which is painting rocks to put out for others to find and rehide!! So Rae thought it would be a great idea to hide some of her rocks for others to find whilst she worked at our local tourist information centre.... I went and bought (yes crazy as I am) BOUGHT 5 Chocolate Frog Freddos!
I didn't manage to catch 3 of the lucky winners but I did catch this pair! :D THANK YOU SO much for posting for a photo! Let me know if I can tag your names in! :D -Rae

When Teddy met Milly!


Whilst Rae, Jenny, Terry and Milly the Border Terrier were in Harrogate having a wander round we went into this little (not so little?) Doggie friendly pub called The Old Bull (Will link their website below).

There we met a lovely couple called John and Cath from Manchester and their dog Teddy! I gave her my card (that sounds rather too official!) and after what felt like ages I am only just putting this up I am so so sorry!!! It was really lovely meeting you and I hope you all had a safe journey back to Manchester and more doggie treats were followed!

- Rae.

Doggie Bags and Wildlife

So I've recently been doing a bit of 'environmental health' if you can call it that. For some this might sound a bit too weird for them. So I went on a bike ride just little or rather not so little lol old me... that's after I saw an artical THAT I now can't find for the life of me about someone in the states setting up little stations or rather doggie bag containers so people can just pick and put more in when they have spares.  For other doggie owners, and there is an awful lot of dog foul out there that I've nearly ridden or stepped in and it's getting disgusting for not only children but adults and the elderly too! So here are my random acts that I did! 

^The snicket when the dog foul bin is placed, sometimes I tie them to lamposts and trees to although im never sure thats a good idea.  This perticular snicket has been playing a good part in my random acts when I use to put tea bags down here...
A little blackbird that I found just sitting on the ground it seemed not to be able to move at first then after about 5 minutes of the poor thing being watched by me wondering what on earth to do, it kind of shuffled into the undergrowth and hopefully out of harmes way. I hope it is ok, what do you guys think? What do you do when you find an animal or bird like this?


Wednesday 3 October 2018

Alison's love of Autumn

Recently a facebook friend called Alison posted this picture I have to love and you gotta like Autumn people! The leaves and the colours etc.. - Alison Y :D

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Quote of the Day

Who's looking forward to Samhain or Halloween? Image may contain: text