Monday 30 October 2017

Mish says! :D

A Positive Post a day!

Photo: Rae Rowan Photography - A sculpture on Teignmoth Peir, Devon, England, UK

October 30th 

You will never know what you can do until you do it.  Step out of your comfort zone and into the unexpected - what you achieve will amaze you! 

From Katie Piper's - Start your day with Katie
365 Affirmations for a Year of Positive Thinking

Saturday 28 October 2017

Kindspring Inspirations

Here are some of the quotes and stories from the people of Kindspring that I thought I'd share with you... I hope this is ok.

Feel free to share my blog with the world!

Friday 27 October 2017

Katie Piper's Start your day with Katie

Ok, I just hope this is not copyright! ... So I will only do it on the odd days...when I can. Saying that it sounds like me heh heh!

Start your day with Katie by Katie Piper, 365 Affirmations for a Year of Positive Thinking.  I got this book a few Christmasses back... from my dad and step mum and I thought I'd sare Katie's wisdom. As I need it to and thought you would. :)

From the best selling author of Things Get Better, Britain's most inspiring young woman shares her uplifting thoughts to help you get every day off to a positive start.  Keep this little book in your handbag or by your bedside to give you strength and happiness whenever you need it.

Todays Quote is:

"You'll only know with hindsight if a decision was right or wrong, so, if you can't decide on something, take the risk and do it anyway.  Follow your heart and you may find it was the right choice" 
- October 27th.

Thursday 26 October 2017

6 days of none ... then sadness then happines?


Ok, so I know, I haven't blogged in 6 days!! I know shocking! Very shocking indeed and I know no excuses...tsk tsk bad Rae lol! I've been doing Avon... I know some people out there in the world might not take kindly to it or like it for certain reasons, but I thought I would give it a go and got a good response from my first experince with it at least! ... There will always been some doors you knock on or post brochures through with crazy barking dogs waiting to have your hand off or so you think.  LOL, well it seems I think I've had them all now haha! So I've been putting posters up for me and a friend's avon...

The sadness, I know this will sound absolutly crazy to most, I can't believe I even did it myself was I actually shed a tear whilst reading one of my favourite Graphic Novels ElfQuest the final Quest... Issue #22... one of the main and most popular characters dies! Shock horror and sorry for spoilers if anyone reads it.

(Artwork by Wendy Pini - WaRP Graphics, USA)
BUT IF YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF IT!!... go and check out these mindful elves my sister Shadowfire got me into many years ago! About 7 years to be most approx!  Go on I dare you to get hooked! ...

Anyway to end on a good note here's a saying I found whilst searching!

Keep doing Kind acts Moonbeams and keep lovin our planet enthusiastst! Bright Blessings,


Friday 20 October 2017

My Current Postcard Stats

Hello Moonbeams, Enthusiasts, Bookworms and Tea lovers! :D

I have been a member of Postcrossing. ( for well over 5 years now and that is just half of the postcards I've been recieving! I have had two accounts with the Postcrossing due to a sad account problem with my old account that had nearly over 50 odd postcards on and poof they all went with the account but I DO HAVE THE actual physical postcards here with me on my walls!

Here are some of the stats so you get some idea from where I've sent or recieved them from.
 The most coming and going from Germany and eek my up and down Activity per month!!

From Cape Town, Africa and the Elbe River in Germany!

Thank You to Postcrossing Member Eike he sent me a lovely postcard Germany!!! You can find Postcrossing on and also from Erica Smith in, Cape Town, Africa! THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3

Bright Blessings, 


Sunday 15 October 2017

Clouds and Ice Cream! - FACTS

Ok, so I found these random facts in a free little booklet called On Your Doorstep over here in the UK @OnYourDoorStep on twitter.  Of course with my own twist and wording!

I liked them so here goes! More of a DID YOU KNOW?! Mostly about Clouds!!

  • Cloudberries, looking similar to an orange raspberry, are a delicacy in Scandinavia.
  • The names for clouds come from Latin and are usually a combination of the following prefixes and suffixes; Stratus, Cumulus, Cirrus, Nimbus and Altro.  Nimbus being mentioned frequently in the Harry Potter series.  I wonder if that is where J K Rowling got it from!
  • The Cloudiest place on Earth is Prince Edward islands in the Antartic Ocean, Parts of the islands see just 800 hours of sunshine all year.
  • Contrails are "artificial clouds" that sometimes form behind planes.
  • Cloud computing relies on sharing computing resourses rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applicationIn Iran clouds are good omens. To indicate someone is blessed they say: "Your sky is always filled with clouds".
  • Here's an icecream fact for you... Chocolate ice cream was created long before vanilla, with the first recipe published in Italy in 1692!
  • Another Harry Potter Fact... Rupert Grint that played Ron bought an ice cream van with the money he earned from the Harry Potter movies... 
  • During a riot in N. Ireland in 2010 , a police officer diffused the situation by playing ice cream van music!! - I wonder if it would ever stop wars?! 
  • Ben and Jerry's has a real graveyard in Vermont for retired ice cream flavours.
  • Fog is stratus type of cloud that appears very close to the ground.
  • Despite their appearance, clouds contain millions of tons of water.
Let me know if you've heard or not heard any of them before comment below! :D 


Saturday 14 October 2017

Tea interview or challenge 😊

I took the Tea challenge on the tea animo app. Here's my answers. 

#NewMemberChallenge #TeaAnimo

What brought me here is the fact that I love tea and the many flavours from Rhooibos to French vanilla and I love testing different flavours. 

One of my favourites is the Turkish Apple Tea. I'm not too fond of the twinnings brand here in the uk but loved the American Bigalow tea and a chi tea a pen pal once sent me. I'm Allergic to Chamomile so that's a no no. Even the smell of it makes me feel icky!

I watch telly and read a good book hence my blog title 

Oh definitely a mug the bigger the better not too heavy lol and I like both loose and tea bags. 

Never tried mint in a tea before so maybe you have set me off on an new adventure! Sugar in tea?!! Urgh! No way I'd not ruin it like that. As well as loving tea and the obvious side dish of a biscuit. I am into Steampunk the Victorian sci fi phenomenon heh heh. Go google it. I got addicted!! 

Of course I drink it all day when I can. I'm drinking plain tetleys bagged tea weak no sugar. 😊. Bright Blessings 🇬🇧Rae The Tea and Book Lady ☮️: #eggdrp 💞 #randomness 🍃 #PeriGirls 💕 #Geocaching 🏘 #nature ♻️ #thanks 🙏🏻 #RAKtivist_Rae 👏🏻 

Friday 13 October 2017

I got a RAOK Package!

Moving and Emotional Package!

This morning I had a rather kind surprise from the lovely and talented MindyJourney! From

I never thought she'd send that many Peace Doves and right in time for our Peace Day over here.  (Didn't know they had different days to over here in the UK)

... I was so moved by the lovely message and the so many doves, I never thought I'd get that many! Thought only a couple to a few 4 max, but wow so many peace doves!!

Another thing is I gave out 4 of the peace doves just with Mindy's message on them and 2 ladies that were in a lift going down to the ground floor of our local clothing and food store they were so moved it was unreal and couldn't stop thanking me and whom ever my friend was hehe!


Wednesday 11 October 2017

Dedication Post - Rice and Spam

Rice and Spam!! Not Green Eggs and Ham...!

Ok so this is dedicated to one of the Periscope apps most popular if not the best duo / duet? There is on earth, well in my opinion their just brilliantly a good act and great scopers! Ok, don't take my word for it go and view them on the Periscope app on #RiceandSpam or individually as Joanne Pham's @GoRiceGirl and Kama Moiha's @SliceOfSpam their so hilariously funny in such a good way they always set out to bright up days!

The reason I say not Green Eggs and Ham after Dr Seuss, me and a pen pal of mine tried to do our own duo which only seemed to last 3 scopes sadly not living up to the famous ones standards, so maybe one day!!! 

You can find Joanne and Kama's website at: and go and see for yourself! Tell um Rae from England sent you! :D Saying that I must send them my blog.  Joanne is the founder of PeriGirls ( and I think (someone please correct me!) Kama is the founder of PeriDudes? Not sure what the website is for you PeriDudes sorry I'm only a member of PeriGirls that is on facebook at:  According to their website their:


Sheʻs Asian and loves Rice. Heʻs Hawaiian and loves Spam. Together, they are Rice & Spam. We often find the humor in a great many things, because of that we decided to start logging the fun we have on the internet, and you can share in the fun too. We started out by just enjoying our friendship and the many great experiences we came across. Often times wishing we could have documented our fun with a camera. The next step in the evolution, well Periscope, and live streaming. You can catch our shenanigans on Periscope by following us @RiceAndSpam, or by our own individual accounts, @GoRiceGirl and @SliceOfSpam, on periscope and other socials sites like Twitter, Instagram to name a couple." - That's quoting them not me! :D So with all the details do go and check them out! :D

Bright Blessings,


Wednesday 4 October 2017

Marmite - Love it or Hate it... Facts you might or might not know!

Love it or hate it... It's that spread that can get almost everywhere once you open it... Ok so I'm a marmite lover! The adverts just make it worse lol!

Ok so for those of you that don't know ... Yep, my own 'Soul Sister' didn't know what Marmite was! lol Although I'd let her off this time haha... Ok so some facts...

What is Marmite made out of?
Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty.
Why is it called Marmite?
A German scientist named Justus Liebig began experimenting with brewer's yeast in the 1880s. It was turned into a spread in Burton in 1902, when the Marmite Food Company Limited was formed. The name Marmite derives from a type of French dish, and initially Marmite was sold in earthernware pots.
Is Marmite fattening?
Marmite contains a few simple ingredients: yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract, spices, and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B9, B12). Marmite is gluten free, high in vitamins, vegetarian and low in calories, providing nearly 50% of the recommended daily allowance for folic acid per serving.
For more Marmite facts just google or go to: Random Marmite Search! 
Until my next random post!
Yours Randomly,

P. S.... Yes, I am a Marmite Lover! <3

Wildflower meadow 

Found this article about a place where I go for bike rides.  I'm glad some wildlife will be encouraged!


Health and Safety Cyclists warnings in Thirsk and Easingwold 

Article in the local paper recently:

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Postcrossing Postcards!

As previously said on another blog post I like to send and collect postcards from all around the world. So here's the ones I'm posting off today. 

Also two I've just received. Maybe I should be the postcard lady!! 

Along with my wall full. 

Yup it goes all the way around the corner. If you'd like to send me a postcard my address is: 

England, UK (if outside the UK!)

Monday 2 October 2017

TOWNS: Easingwold

EASINGWOLD, York, North Yorkshire, England, UK...

The first of my Town's Trail and I thought I would start with where I went to school and grew up from the age of 3, the Victorian / Edwardian Market Town in the North of England in the countryside.

"As we all know here in Easingwold and our picturesque villages, we
are indeed ideally located in the centre of North Yorkshire in the
beautiful countryside just to the north of the unique and historic City
of York.

We are uniquely blessed with fast, easy access travel links to York itself and also all of the major destinations in North

Yorkshire that you may want to visit during your stay - whether it
be the Yorkshire Dales, the North Yorkshire Moors, the world famous
Dinosaur Coast with Scarborough, Filey and Whitby, Heartbeat Country and
everywhere else in between.
We have everything you need here, and the green rolling countryside as
well! Yorkshire Life magazine agrees and summed us up with “a relaxed
atmosphere”, has “easy-peasy parking” and is “a nice place to live” –
(and presumably stay)! Easingwold has a “hidden gem” - its Georgian
Market Square is superb and it is easy to see why visitors come back
time and time again to take in the atmosphere of a piece of original and
unspoilt Yorkshire. 

A Food Lovers Paradise!

The Easingwold area is rapidly carving out a name for itself as a
food lovers paradise. Look, smell and taste the freshness at a raft of
real farm shops in our area.
Not just us, but “the “Independent” advised its readers recently that Easingwold “is becoming and essential foodie pit stop” 
- extract taken from the website from Council Member Mr F. Johnston-Banks. 
Any queries about Easingwold here is their Tourist Information Contact details:

 Easingwold Tourist Information

Chapel Lane*



YO61 3AE

Tel 01347 821530

Fax 01347 821530

*What confuses tourists more is that if you go looking for 'Chapel Lane' it's signposted 'Chapel Street'!!! 
