Sunday 31 December 2017

Happy New Year!!

Wishing all our readers a very Happy New Year all the best for 2018! 

- Rae and fellow Editors. 

Wednesday 20 December 2017


Or GEO:BugTravels - Show John the World... GOES GLOBAL! :D

 As a geocacher - see... ( I like to pass on and continue the journey of many travel bugs, little trackable tags that travel the world through other 'cachers' people that geocache and also via geocaches 'the hidden containers' that are put all around the world.  So I thought why not set one up for my father John, as due to having Parkinsons and a heart problem he cannot travel long distances and so he can travel the world via this 'tb'... I will attempt to document at least a bit of the 'tbs' travels via this.  If you ever read this and your a geocacher do go onto the page: TB7C7Q8 and 'discover' us or rather him! Here are some photos from the page it'self  and some of the logs that have been posted recently or this year


This tb is for my Father John.  He can't travel as much due to having Parkinsons and a heart problem/pace maker. I'd love to show him the world with your help. Can you help me by doing the following?

  • Take as many pictures as possible
  • Get as many miles on this trackable as possible
  • Say hello to us (John and Rae) via your log
  • Write a poem, greeting in your own language for us to translate (hopefully!) or if you can translate it for us?
  • Take to as many events as possible
  • We'd love to go to Geocaching HQ Please!
  • We'd love to go to as many famous Geocachers as possible.

About This Item

A Devon mega tag that Rae got from the Devon Mega event this year. The TB and pictures will be placed on my blog page  (let me know in '( and )' if you do not wish your name / cache name to be on my blog or if you do not wish a photo with your face to be on.

[Photos to come later]


Monday 18 December 2017

Prudence and the Crow - Tea Review #1


This is my second subscription with and I thought I would hopefully do them proud at least if not, I will just try and do a review and promote them a bit.  This is my own personal opinion of the Tea by  Pukka Teas , which is in no means me trying to have a go and Poor Prudence and the Crow! :) For some reason it wont let me put my own pictures of the tea that I drunk in so these are all of the net (OH I Hope I don't get done for this, let me know if I need to take them off or something!) (if they are copyrited, my sincere apologies if so!), Well on with the review:

Pukka's 3 Cinnamon Tea

At the start I felt this smelt rather strange, very much it's namesake!  Having had got this from the Purdence and the Crow Subscription box.  A vintage book subscription with a few goodies that comes every 13th of the month, not sure if thats lucky or unlucky, poor them, but I like how they have a Steampunkish sense to them!  I hope that is what their getting too hehe!

Anyway, I thought I'd give it a go as I was rather 'Aptly' watching the Hugo film on telly! Got to love Steampunk!! (Although, I must get back to it as I've had to pause it to write this and drink the tea!!)
Although tastes to me a bit like the chai tea, I didn't think I'd like it that much, but it is not all that bad!! Well at the best of times I'm never good at explaining so hear me out!  Found this to be rather a mixture of tangy, spicey and creamyish, if it could or can be all them things!! :D Although I definatly wouldn't reccommend to leave the tea bag in for more than 5 minutes!! There's a definately some spice kick to it!! #Prudenceandthecrow - I must say although this is still giving me an after taste and I am not entirely sure if it is agreeing with me, like Chamomile (OH PLEASE DO NOT send me Chamomile!! I am allergic to it!) it is definately down to the persons choice of tea flaverings and smells.  I'd recommend this to a friend that likes the smell, but wouldn't really have it again, sorry!

Bright Blessings,


Friday 15 December 2017

FF #2

Fracking Files #2 :

(Please read post before for commenting etc.)

Sending No Fracking Cards to Greg Clark?

Fracking protest tea lady gets a new canteen!

(Note this is not me!)

(People have been having a problem with links so here's a snippet)

2:13pm 6th December 2017
(Updated 1:23pm 7th December 2017)
The famous tea stall at the Kirby Misperton fracking site has moved into a new caravan.
The tea lady, Jackie Brooks, hit the headlines earlier this year after she was asked to move by police.
Minster FM's video of the scene was picked up by media outlets world wide.
The gazebo and table which was set up to provide refreshments was blown down by a storm.
Protestors have been taking turns to serve food and drink to other people who are there to demonstrate against fracking along with police officers and the media too.

:) - Rae

The Fracking Files! #1 (FF#1)

... Or 'FF's for short!

I am going to be putting together a group of 'fellow protectors of the earth' stories, articals and opinions, as sort of my own research and find out whats best and whats not for the future of this earth and it's people.  If you'd like to comment please send your quoted text in ("") speach marks emailed to me with "Fracking Files - For your Blog" in the subject line and I will do my best to include it.  This is open to pro fracking as well as anti fracking as I want to hear both sides of the story!  Please respect each others opinions anyone one from either side found bad mouthing will have their comments removed! (I don't want trouble on my hands! :) )

So here we go...

Opinion from a fellow relative regarding fracking...:  "It will give us renewable energy that is cheap and that many can afford and it will go to a good use"

J. Gibbs' Reply via Facebook:

The public will not get cheaper gas through fracking as it will be used to service Ineos making more plastic to pollute our oceans (Blue Planet) and we have enough gas without fracking to last 20 years which is plenty long enough for the changeover to renewable energy. Ask them to explain to you why, when we live on an island, the energy in the tides can't be used, then look at wind, and the sun...

and in the Rydale local Paper:


Tuesday 12 December 2017

KM8: The First Two Months and bloggers notes...


Hello people, just wanted to also say adjacent to vlogs, videos I share and what not, that this blog and it's posts are individual opinion of the blogger that writes the artical or post on this blog.  Please respect any articals, videos and opinions etc.  Any harsh comments will be removed.  I am also looking for two sides of different stories like with the Fracking so that people can make up their own minds on how it will effect us all.  Please email me if you would like to submit and artical to my blog at ... please no abusiveness.  Also my apologies for the late blog posts. Bright Blessings, Rae.

Friday 1 December 2017

Update from Kirby Misperton FRACK Pad, North Yorks ... A Disaster waitin...

  Please note, this blog or rather my blog that I post on is only my opinion...  I am trying to gather the facts for both sides to figure it all out regarding 'Fracking' So far I haven't been able to find a 'Pro-Fracking' Video that makes sense! ...

If you dislike what you see ib this vlog you do not have to view. Or don't read that blog post at that time go and read another one.  I post about lots of other different things... maybe not at the same time but I amd hoping to do so.  Hense why I am called The Random Scoper sometimes! Rae

Monday 27 November 2017

Making the world a better place - Wording by Ladybird1 of KindSpring

 Making The World A Better Place In Little Ways...

 --by Ladybird1, on Nov 23, 2017

 OK, so this is my longest post so far. And it is about something which I personally care about deeply. So here goes. I have been trying to do my bit for the environment lately to reduce my carbon footprint. (I was shocked to find little plastic particles on many home and foreign beaches lately - all resulting from plastic waste dumped into the sea. Just imagine all those fish swallowing that plastic and if we eat fish, we are absorbing that plastic too... Delicious eh?)

Anyway, here are some little things I have been implementing into my life:
- clearing out my cupboards and decluttering things I do not need, use nor love anymore and recycling the rest accordingly or donating stuff in good condition to charities.
- going shopping with new eyes and asking myself. Will I really; NEED it, USE it or LOVE it? Very effective, as I'm saving my pennies better ;-)
- buying recycled toilet paper for the first time and surprised to find it is actually softer than it looks ;-)
- buying recycled paper towels for the kitchen.
- not buying any more paper napkins but using pretty cloth napkins instead.
- buying yoghurt in glass jars as opposed to plastic tubs, as they can get recycled at the bottle bank.
- finally using up all those little hotel shampoos and soaps from years of my travels and disposing the plastic wrappers properly. I have promised myself not to bring back any more home. Even if they ARE freebies ;-)
- eating ice-cream from a wafer cone and not a plastic tub. Hubby gets my cone ;-)
- using old holey socks as cleaning rags.
- using the other side of old paper for my printer.
- choosing electric appliances with “A+“ energy efficiency labels which don't eat up so much electricity.
- not driving on the motorway so fast as before and sticking to suggested speed limits in order to reduce carbon emissions.

I wouldn't call myself a “greenie“ as such (and I still see room for personal improvement when it comes to using the car, flying or using water lavishly which makes me a bit guilty...)  but as a nature lover who adores animals, plants, the sea and trees, I'm worried about the state of nature and where it could go... Some politicians (whether fuelled by profit, greed, power or out of sheer ignorance) simply do not seem to care. But in my opinion I feel it is OUR responsibility to care and should do our bit in little ways, whether it is a case of recycling what we do not need, use nor love anymore or reviewing and changing our consumer habits in little ways. After all, we only have one world. And look at the state of it already what with pollution, and so on.

Just imagine if everybody implemented some little changes to make the world /nature a better and cleaner place for us and our children and future generations to come. Wouldn't that be marvellous?
If you were to do your bit for mother nature in tiny little ways on a day to day basis, what would YOU do? What have you already tried out? 

 - Ladybird1 on  LINK:

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Anti Fracking Protectors!

What is Fracking? - SHOCKING!!! 
 Are you AGAINST or for??!

noun: fracking
the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc. so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas.

 One of the nearest ones Kirby Misperton has it's own camp and is fighting the cause! Please comment below on your thoughts about protecting our envronment! - Please be nice! No foul langauge!! Or if your a fellow member of the Kirby Misperton Protection Camp Group feel free to say hi too! :) 

What would be your tips and advice on how to put the awarness out for anti fracking? etc ...

 Facebook Page: Kirby Misperton Forward Protection Camp - Lock the Gate!

Now most of you would now I am all  or mostly for saving or to help save thei earth and her people, I just found this group not a while back in Kirby Misperton near Pickering that's part of the Anti-fracking movement or rather trying to stop people ruining our landscapes and the earth.

The Fracking up here in North Yorkshire, England most likely like anywhere else in the UK that suffers from it is constantly in videos on youtube and the news and heres just one of many that are all over the internet:

They also have a petition up on the 38 degrees website and will also post it to the group that I am on on facebook.  Here is the link if you would be interested in signing and your against the whole Fracking!!

They can also be found on the along with several others - not this page may be updated, please do comment if you want links added... 


Blessings, Rae.

Thursday 16 November 2017

ElfQuest and it's show!

I am a big fan of the long running American Graphic Book/comic after several years ago prob about 5 years ago my now 'Soul Sister in all but blood ' hint to the series itself! Shadowfire got me into it. Mindfull elves battling the humans...

The links are to check out and to see what ElfQuest and it's creators Wendy and Richard Pini.   and it has it's own PODCAST Show!! By David and Ryan  That is Part one that I am currently listening to of the issues of the final recent quest.

The series has spanned over 35 years of pointed ears of the 4 foot elves! Go and check it out!!

and come back to say if your hooked or not hehe...

Monday 13 November 2017

Friday 10 November 2017

Here are some sayings for you to enjoy amongst your random days of what ever you are doing! ... :D

"If you don't do wild things while your young, you'll have nothing to smile about when your old"
"We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing!"

"Not all that wander are lost"

Thursday 9 November 2017

Youtube Dedication Post! :D [SUPER CARLIN BROTHERS]

Hey People, Yup, you guessed it another reccommendation post from me these two brothers do theories on films and almost anything from Disney, Pixar to Harry Potter... 
 Go and check them out on the link above! 
Definatly worth a watching if your a nerdy fan! 
Gotta love Ben and J!

New videos or vlogs up every Tuesday and Thursday on several different topics!!

Their bio says:
Two brothers. Jonathan "J" Carlin and Ben Carlin. Proud Slytherins, Narwhal Detectives, Pixar Theorists, Bagel Eaters, Google Autofillers and Grizzly Eagle Shark lovers. We tend to overthink things - If it has to do with Pixar, Disney, Marvel, Star Wars or Harry Potter you'll probably find it here. =D

So what you waiting for! 

Blessings, Rae

Ohh, and p.s. If you want a reccommendation or dedication vlog email me on and I'll try and put you up if you give me a bio of yourselves and links! :D

Thursday 2 November 2017

Travel Bugs Travelling the world!

Hello All! Rae here again for another blog,

Not been feeling very well but that's not going to stop me blogging so here goes... an interesting one this time I hope for you all with some pictures from my travel bug pages from the website ... Geocaching is like a treasure hunt but for all ages, finding hidden boxes all around the world all different sizes... but this post is not just about them its about the one thing mostly that us 'Cachers' put in them other then the 'Swag' we leave for others... this one is to move from cache or geocache to another geocache and so on... It's the TRAVEL BUG! This is what the company Groundspeak who started it off in the USA said or rather having just googled it in a search engine we all know and love hehe hmm... here goes...:

Simply put, a Groundspeak Travel Bug is a trackable tag that you attach to an item. This allows you to track your item on The item becomes a hitchhiker that is carried from cache to cache (or person to person) in the real world and you can follow its progress online.

How do I log a travel bug?
If the goal is to move the Travel Bug to the west coast, don't put the Travel Bug in a cache farther east.
  1. Visit the Cache Listing. Visit the cache listing for the cache in which you placed the Travel Bug. ...
  2. Visit the "log a cache" Page. ...
  3. Select the Travel Bug to drop off.          
  4.  and put it in a cache! tadar! hehe... oh    (cant seem to get rid of the no 4 lol!
    What is the meaning of travel bug?
    travel bug (idiom)- strong desire to travel. to be bitten by the travel bug (idiom)- kind of a cute way to say when someone begins to want to travel. After the "bug" bites you, you will really want to travel. to wander- to go from one place to another without any definite plans.
 Now on with some of my TBS pics and where they've been... :

FTF Micro Coin FTF Micro Coin - Use TB640DT to reference this item.

 As simple as:

Current GOAL

FTF MICRO COIN - to travel to all UK caches!

About This Item

A small geocoin




Rae and Mia go Looming Crazy!


Note on this TB Trackable - Original gone missing.
The copy tag is about to be sent off on it's journey again, but this time with a new purpose! We are wanting to get to the 10th UK Anniversary Mega in Yorkshire!  Along the way i wish to collect as many keyrings that can attach to us as possible! Can you help me? Attach them to us and move us from cache to cache until we arrive at the UK MEGA IN 2018 HAPPY CACHING! Please take a pic or two. I would like to be reunited with my owner at the Mega event.

About This Item

Two Teddy bears named after the TB owner and her favourite caching dog Mia (Mel and Freddie's loveable doggie) One of England's most fashionable latest crazes of the year 2014!  The Loom Bands, but are they global and how many keyrings can we get on before we reach the Mega in 2018??

 Rae loves ladybirds


Travelled over 10086.9 miles!!

Hello my name is Rae.  My favourite insect is the Ladybird. Because ever since I was a child, Ladybirds have always seemed to fascinate me or landed on me which I have forever thought to be lucky. Like most sayings! I find them to be my totem animal along with the Blackbird.

First if you wish to try and have a go at logging a travel bug try out with the one thats always on me, I ask people to discover, grab and place me everywhere to clock up miles and then I go and grab it back... so all you need to do is follow this:

Go to 

If you do not have an account you can easily set one up for free you don't have to geocache all the time or just find one or two... see where your craze takes you hehe! 

Press Play at the top and go down to trackables

In the search bit type in WBX9FJ (my trackable) and click log at the right hand side and enter your message say hello to me or something and say where your from and that you found my from my blog! 

Press log trackable and poof you've done it! Your first if not many trackables! :D 

 Now for some pictures from the tb page...


Cachers! :D


If you see yourself 

please track me at 




Wednesday 1 November 2017

Ni Hao 你 好

Hello Lovlies, Earth warriors/ Eco worshipers / tea lovers and if your like me crazy british tea book worms! :D

Just got this lovely message from a lady in Taiwan from and I thought I would share it with you:

( 你 好 )
/ni hao/
What a totally amazing card and format. One of the best and most intriguing I have received via postcrossing!I really like it very much:)

Thank you for your interesting card; I received it on the 1st of November. I think the postmen did a very good job :D
Not only the front of your postcard is beautiful but your story at the back is even more.
(By the way; I love your handwriting.)
It's nice that people do some effort to tell something more about interesting things from their country!!
Also thanks for your best wishes
I wish you the same.
Have a wonderful day(祝你有個美好的一天)
Greets from

- I'm suprised the Taiwanese (?? Please correct me if that is what you call people from Taiwan!!) postal service and ours got to them in less then 11 days, now I sent one to my pen pal in Scotland and it took her to recieve it a maximum of 158 days!!! BLIMEY, I've had like this one, one from Australia take less!!

If you'd like to see the postcard its on: as GB-942917 :D

Bright Blessings!

Crazy Rae hehe !

Monday 30 October 2017

Mish says! :D

A Positive Post a day!

Photo: Rae Rowan Photography - A sculpture on Teignmoth Peir, Devon, England, UK

October 30th 

You will never know what you can do until you do it.  Step out of your comfort zone and into the unexpected - what you achieve will amaze you! 

From Katie Piper's - Start your day with Katie
365 Affirmations for a Year of Positive Thinking

Saturday 28 October 2017

Kindspring Inspirations

Here are some of the quotes and stories from the people of Kindspring that I thought I'd share with you... I hope this is ok.

Feel free to share my blog with the world!

Friday 27 October 2017

Katie Piper's Start your day with Katie

Ok, I just hope this is not copyright! ... So I will only do it on the odd days...when I can. Saying that it sounds like me heh heh!

Start your day with Katie by Katie Piper, 365 Affirmations for a Year of Positive Thinking.  I got this book a few Christmasses back... from my dad and step mum and I thought I'd sare Katie's wisdom. As I need it to and thought you would. :)

From the best selling author of Things Get Better, Britain's most inspiring young woman shares her uplifting thoughts to help you get every day off to a positive start.  Keep this little book in your handbag or by your bedside to give you strength and happiness whenever you need it.

Todays Quote is:

"You'll only know with hindsight if a decision was right or wrong, so, if you can't decide on something, take the risk and do it anyway.  Follow your heart and you may find it was the right choice" 
- October 27th.

Thursday 26 October 2017

6 days of none ... then sadness then happines?


Ok, so I know, I haven't blogged in 6 days!! I know shocking! Very shocking indeed and I know no excuses...tsk tsk bad Rae lol! I've been doing Avon... I know some people out there in the world might not take kindly to it or like it for certain reasons, but I thought I would give it a go and got a good response from my first experince with it at least! ... There will always been some doors you knock on or post brochures through with crazy barking dogs waiting to have your hand off or so you think.  LOL, well it seems I think I've had them all now haha! So I've been putting posters up for me and a friend's avon...

The sadness, I know this will sound absolutly crazy to most, I can't believe I even did it myself was I actually shed a tear whilst reading one of my favourite Graphic Novels ElfQuest the final Quest... Issue #22... one of the main and most popular characters dies! Shock horror and sorry for spoilers if anyone reads it.

(Artwork by Wendy Pini - WaRP Graphics, USA)
BUT IF YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF IT!!... go and check out these mindful elves my sister Shadowfire got me into many years ago! About 7 years to be most approx!  Go on I dare you to get hooked! ...

Anyway to end on a good note here's a saying I found whilst searching!

Keep doing Kind acts Moonbeams and keep lovin our planet enthusiastst! Bright Blessings,


Friday 20 October 2017

My Current Postcard Stats

Hello Moonbeams, Enthusiasts, Bookworms and Tea lovers! :D

I have been a member of Postcrossing. ( for well over 5 years now and that is just half of the postcards I've been recieving! I have had two accounts with the Postcrossing due to a sad account problem with my old account that had nearly over 50 odd postcards on and poof they all went with the account but I DO HAVE THE actual physical postcards here with me on my walls!

Here are some of the stats so you get some idea from where I've sent or recieved them from.
 The most coming and going from Germany and eek my up and down Activity per month!!

From Cape Town, Africa and the Elbe River in Germany!

Thank You to Postcrossing Member Eike he sent me a lovely postcard Germany!!! You can find Postcrossing on and also from Erica Smith in, Cape Town, Africa! THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3

Bright Blessings, 


Sunday 15 October 2017

Clouds and Ice Cream! - FACTS

Ok, so I found these random facts in a free little booklet called On Your Doorstep over here in the UK @OnYourDoorStep on twitter.  Of course with my own twist and wording!

I liked them so here goes! More of a DID YOU KNOW?! Mostly about Clouds!!

  • Cloudberries, looking similar to an orange raspberry, are a delicacy in Scandinavia.
  • The names for clouds come from Latin and are usually a combination of the following prefixes and suffixes; Stratus, Cumulus, Cirrus, Nimbus and Altro.  Nimbus being mentioned frequently in the Harry Potter series.  I wonder if that is where J K Rowling got it from!
  • The Cloudiest place on Earth is Prince Edward islands in the Antartic Ocean, Parts of the islands see just 800 hours of sunshine all year.
  • Contrails are "artificial clouds" that sometimes form behind planes.
  • Cloud computing relies on sharing computing resourses rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applicationIn Iran clouds are good omens. To indicate someone is blessed they say: "Your sky is always filled with clouds".
  • Here's an icecream fact for you... Chocolate ice cream was created long before vanilla, with the first recipe published in Italy in 1692!
  • Another Harry Potter Fact... Rupert Grint that played Ron bought an ice cream van with the money he earned from the Harry Potter movies... 
  • During a riot in N. Ireland in 2010 , a police officer diffused the situation by playing ice cream van music!! - I wonder if it would ever stop wars?! 
  • Ben and Jerry's has a real graveyard in Vermont for retired ice cream flavours.
  • Fog is stratus type of cloud that appears very close to the ground.
  • Despite their appearance, clouds contain millions of tons of water.
Let me know if you've heard or not heard any of them before comment below! :D 


Saturday 14 October 2017

Tea interview or challenge 😊

I took the Tea challenge on the tea animo app. Here's my answers. 

#NewMemberChallenge #TeaAnimo

What brought me here is the fact that I love tea and the many flavours from Rhooibos to French vanilla and I love testing different flavours. 

One of my favourites is the Turkish Apple Tea. I'm not too fond of the twinnings brand here in the uk but loved the American Bigalow tea and a chi tea a pen pal once sent me. I'm Allergic to Chamomile so that's a no no. Even the smell of it makes me feel icky!

I watch telly and read a good book hence my blog title 

Oh definitely a mug the bigger the better not too heavy lol and I like both loose and tea bags. 

Never tried mint in a tea before so maybe you have set me off on an new adventure! Sugar in tea?!! Urgh! No way I'd not ruin it like that. As well as loving tea and the obvious side dish of a biscuit. I am into Steampunk the Victorian sci fi phenomenon heh heh. Go google it. I got addicted!! 

Of course I drink it all day when I can. I'm drinking plain tetleys bagged tea weak no sugar. 😊. Bright Blessings 🇬🇧Rae The Tea and Book Lady ☮️: #eggdrp 💞 #randomness 🍃 #PeriGirls 💕 #Geocaching 🏘 #nature ♻️ #thanks 🙏🏻 #RAKtivist_Rae 👏🏻 

Friday 13 October 2017

I got a RAOK Package!

Moving and Emotional Package!

This morning I had a rather kind surprise from the lovely and talented MindyJourney! From

I never thought she'd send that many Peace Doves and right in time for our Peace Day over here.  (Didn't know they had different days to over here in the UK)

... I was so moved by the lovely message and the so many doves, I never thought I'd get that many! Thought only a couple to a few 4 max, but wow so many peace doves!!

Another thing is I gave out 4 of the peace doves just with Mindy's message on them and 2 ladies that were in a lift going down to the ground floor of our local clothing and food store they were so moved it was unreal and couldn't stop thanking me and whom ever my friend was hehe!


Wednesday 11 October 2017

Dedication Post - Rice and Spam

Rice and Spam!! Not Green Eggs and Ham...!

Ok so this is dedicated to one of the Periscope apps most popular if not the best duo / duet? There is on earth, well in my opinion their just brilliantly a good act and great scopers! Ok, don't take my word for it go and view them on the Periscope app on #RiceandSpam or individually as Joanne Pham's @GoRiceGirl and Kama Moiha's @SliceOfSpam their so hilariously funny in such a good way they always set out to bright up days!

The reason I say not Green Eggs and Ham after Dr Seuss, me and a pen pal of mine tried to do our own duo which only seemed to last 3 scopes sadly not living up to the famous ones standards, so maybe one day!!! 

You can find Joanne and Kama's website at: and go and see for yourself! Tell um Rae from England sent you! :D Saying that I must send them my blog.  Joanne is the founder of PeriGirls ( and I think (someone please correct me!) Kama is the founder of PeriDudes? Not sure what the website is for you PeriDudes sorry I'm only a member of PeriGirls that is on facebook at:  According to their website their:


Sheʻs Asian and loves Rice. Heʻs Hawaiian and loves Spam. Together, they are Rice & Spam. We often find the humor in a great many things, because of that we decided to start logging the fun we have on the internet, and you can share in the fun too. We started out by just enjoying our friendship and the many great experiences we came across. Often times wishing we could have documented our fun with a camera. The next step in the evolution, well Periscope, and live streaming. You can catch our shenanigans on Periscope by following us @RiceAndSpam, or by our own individual accounts, @GoRiceGirl and @SliceOfSpam, on periscope and other socials sites like Twitter, Instagram to name a couple." - That's quoting them not me! :D So with all the details do go and check them out! :D

Bright Blessings,


Wednesday 4 October 2017

Marmite - Love it or Hate it... Facts you might or might not know!

Love it or hate it... It's that spread that can get almost everywhere once you open it... Ok so I'm a marmite lover! The adverts just make it worse lol!

Ok so for those of you that don't know ... Yep, my own 'Soul Sister' didn't know what Marmite was! lol Although I'd let her off this time haha... Ok so some facts...

What is Marmite made out of?
Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty.
Why is it called Marmite?
A German scientist named Justus Liebig began experimenting with brewer's yeast in the 1880s. It was turned into a spread in Burton in 1902, when the Marmite Food Company Limited was formed. The name Marmite derives from a type of French dish, and initially Marmite was sold in earthernware pots.
Is Marmite fattening?
Marmite contains a few simple ingredients: yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract, spices, and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B9, B12). Marmite is gluten free, high in vitamins, vegetarian and low in calories, providing nearly 50% of the recommended daily allowance for folic acid per serving.
For more Marmite facts just google or go to: Random Marmite Search! 
Until my next random post!
Yours Randomly,

P. S.... Yes, I am a Marmite Lover! <3

Wildflower meadow 

Found this article about a place where I go for bike rides.  I'm glad some wildlife will be encouraged!


Health and Safety Cyclists warnings in Thirsk and Easingwold 

Article in the local paper recently:

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Postcrossing Postcards!

As previously said on another blog post I like to send and collect postcards from all around the world. So here's the ones I'm posting off today. 

Also two I've just received. Maybe I should be the postcard lady!! 

Along with my wall full. 

Yup it goes all the way around the corner. If you'd like to send me a postcard my address is: 

England, UK (if outside the UK!)

Monday 2 October 2017

TOWNS: Easingwold

EASINGWOLD, York, North Yorkshire, England, UK...

The first of my Town's Trail and I thought I would start with where I went to school and grew up from the age of 3, the Victorian / Edwardian Market Town in the North of England in the countryside.

"As we all know here in Easingwold and our picturesque villages, we
are indeed ideally located in the centre of North Yorkshire in the
beautiful countryside just to the north of the unique and historic City
of York.

We are uniquely blessed with fast, easy access travel links to York itself and also all of the major destinations in North

Yorkshire that you may want to visit during your stay - whether it
be the Yorkshire Dales, the North Yorkshire Moors, the world famous
Dinosaur Coast with Scarborough, Filey and Whitby, Heartbeat Country and
everywhere else in between.
We have everything you need here, and the green rolling countryside as
well! Yorkshire Life magazine agrees and summed us up with “a relaxed
atmosphere”, has “easy-peasy parking” and is “a nice place to live” –
(and presumably stay)! Easingwold has a “hidden gem” - its Georgian
Market Square is superb and it is easy to see why visitors come back
time and time again to take in the atmosphere of a piece of original and
unspoilt Yorkshire. 

A Food Lovers Paradise!

The Easingwold area is rapidly carving out a name for itself as a
food lovers paradise. Look, smell and taste the freshness at a raft of
real farm shops in our area.
Not just us, but “the “Independent” advised its readers recently that Easingwold “is becoming and essential foodie pit stop” 
- extract taken from the website from Council Member Mr F. Johnston-Banks. 
Any queries about Easingwold here is their Tourist Information Contact details:

 Easingwold Tourist Information

Chapel Lane*



YO61 3AE

Tel 01347 821530

Fax 01347 821530

*What confuses tourists more is that if you go looking for 'Chapel Lane' it's signposted 'Chapel Street'!!! 


Monday 25 September 2017

Random quote 

Got a postcard on my wall I'd thought I'd share. 

Nature Reclaims - Artical on Kindspring

Artical from -  Inspirational and Curiocity through the articals Rae reads!! 

"Nature Reclaims
Have we ever notice how little time it takes Mother Nature to reclaim a developed area when it is abandon by humans? It may be an open farmer’s field no longer in use, a closed down factory or a damaged home deep within the forest that may have been left to decay. There is evidence of what once stood there with a natural merging of what was and what it has become. Small shrubs, flowers and weeds put down roots between the cracks of the foundation and brickwork, eventually trees will take root and begin to grow through the remaining walls, small animals and snakes make their homes in the nooks and crannies that the fallen masonry has created. Humans build and cover the land with concrete and buildings, roads and parking lots. If given the opportunity Mother Nature reclaims the land and creates her own beauty within the ruins of what is left behind. Please feel free to share, if you are so inspired. Picture taken by TC - from website.

Nature reclaims it's own.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Dedication - Claire Waddington

My favourite tour guiding periscoper. Claire takes you around on her travels with her son on their walks and during their day showing the world what Paris is all about. 

 And at