Wednesday 20 September 2017

Famous Easingwold Dogs!

Hello Readers!

Rae again with another blog! :D whilst giving out tea bags I've come across two of these newly famous doggies walking the streets and cobbles of Easingwold town.  Comment and let me know and also let others know if they wish their doggie to be on the Doggie Hall of fame I'm hoping to do. We currently have a few other doggies but not many with pictures and I am hoping to gether them all up together for a Hall of fame! So let me know if the owners too wish to be on it!

 In no perticular order we have Teddy who was spotted in the Commercial this afternoon enjoying his petting with the regulars!
 Dusty Doggie with their owner outside in the market square in Easingwold and last but not least Milly the border terrier! :D
So thank you for posing Dusty, Teddy and Milly! :D and feel free if you ever want to do a write up on my blog about your adventures! :)

Bright Blessings, Rae.


  1. awwww what a bunch of cuties, all of them! :D

  2. Hi Rae,
    Dusty and I really enjoyed meeting you yesterday and thank you for your random act of kindness in gifting to us a Taylors Sour Cherry tea bag - very nice indeed.
    Great blog and lovely attitude to life - we need more people like you.
    Thank you again,

    1. Hello Judith and Dusty! Lovely to meet you too! I'd love to meet up for a cuppa in town if your interested? There are a few that allow doggies too! I'm going to try and get out again and place some more tea bags around town, some down the snicket ways don't get picked up or get ripped open by school kids etc. So if you have any tips or advice or new RAOK? Feel free, what would you think about a RAOK group being held somewhere meeting up in Easingwold?

  3. Hello Rae,
    I'll email you and pass you my mobile number. Happy to meet for coffee or tea and discuss.
    JUDITH x

    1. Hello Judith! :D Hope you and Dusty are well! Ok will look out haven't got anything yet I'll leave you mine too in reply. :)


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