Monday 27 November 2017

Making the world a better place - Wording by Ladybird1 of KindSpring

 Making The World A Better Place In Little Ways...

 --by Ladybird1, on Nov 23, 2017

 OK, so this is my longest post so far. And it is about something which I personally care about deeply. So here goes. I have been trying to do my bit for the environment lately to reduce my carbon footprint. (I was shocked to find little plastic particles on many home and foreign beaches lately - all resulting from plastic waste dumped into the sea. Just imagine all those fish swallowing that plastic and if we eat fish, we are absorbing that plastic too... Delicious eh?)

Anyway, here are some little things I have been implementing into my life:
- clearing out my cupboards and decluttering things I do not need, use nor love anymore and recycling the rest accordingly or donating stuff in good condition to charities.
- going shopping with new eyes and asking myself. Will I really; NEED it, USE it or LOVE it? Very effective, as I'm saving my pennies better ;-)
- buying recycled toilet paper for the first time and surprised to find it is actually softer than it looks ;-)
- buying recycled paper towels for the kitchen.
- not buying any more paper napkins but using pretty cloth napkins instead.
- buying yoghurt in glass jars as opposed to plastic tubs, as they can get recycled at the bottle bank.
- finally using up all those little hotel shampoos and soaps from years of my travels and disposing the plastic wrappers properly. I have promised myself not to bring back any more home. Even if they ARE freebies ;-)
- eating ice-cream from a wafer cone and not a plastic tub. Hubby gets my cone ;-)
- using old holey socks as cleaning rags.
- using the other side of old paper for my printer.
- choosing electric appliances with “A+“ energy efficiency labels which don't eat up so much electricity.
- not driving on the motorway so fast as before and sticking to suggested speed limits in order to reduce carbon emissions.

I wouldn't call myself a “greenie“ as such (and I still see room for personal improvement when it comes to using the car, flying or using water lavishly which makes me a bit guilty...)  but as a nature lover who adores animals, plants, the sea and trees, I'm worried about the state of nature and where it could go... Some politicians (whether fuelled by profit, greed, power or out of sheer ignorance) simply do not seem to care. But in my opinion I feel it is OUR responsibility to care and should do our bit in little ways, whether it is a case of recycling what we do not need, use nor love anymore or reviewing and changing our consumer habits in little ways. After all, we only have one world. And look at the state of it already what with pollution, and so on.

Just imagine if everybody implemented some little changes to make the world /nature a better and cleaner place for us and our children and future generations to come. Wouldn't that be marvellous?
If you were to do your bit for mother nature in tiny little ways on a day to day basis, what would YOU do? What have you already tried out? 

 - Ladybird1 on  LINK:

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