Saturday 12 May 2018


Artical / Story by
Felicity Fyr Le Fay· Kesimpar, Indonesia
I was 20 mins in to a 3 hour bike excursion across Bali when I saw a wee dog lying in the middle of the main road, while traffic dodged around her. I was really worried, so I pulled over and picked her up, and found she was looking pretty sorry all covered with flea dirt or mange or something, and hungry. I decided to get her some dinner, tried two shops but no one could understand me, or understand why I would want to feed a stray dog. Beautiful people here in Bali, but terribly short on compassion for animals.
After walking down the road a bit I found a rough sort of resturant, and luckily there was a Dutch Guy who had been living in Bali 8 years, who spoke Indonesian and helped me request a chicken dinner. Then it took me 20 minutes wandering up and down alleyways trying to find where the wee doggie had gone, before all three of us, me, Doggie and Dutch Guy had a meal at the restaurant.
Dutch Guy decided I was some sort of Saint, which was sweet, and kindly paid for all of us to dine, though I couldn't coax him to adopt Doggie and give her a wash. I tried coaxing a Balinese man who had come to watch, he just laughed, and then I noticed he had a dog trapped in a meter square cage looking utterly miserable in his driveway.
I considered trying to take her the 60km back to Ubud on my scooter, but in the end decided there was too much of a chance she would leap off and get crushed under someone's truck on the super busy roads. So I put her back where I found her, in case Mummy Doggo is still near by. She is terribly small and maybe just lost her litter? Oh gosh, I hope I did the right thing?
Please send wishes and blessings for a long and healthy doggie life. I miss her already


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