Friday 18 May 2018

The rarity of calm in  Nature

Finding a rare moment of serentity in a busy town in the North of England! I went on one of my bike rides today and thought I'd take some photos on the way to show you all.  Not even on instagram yet, shock horror! :D I've got to say I love going out in nature.  Surprised that I've only had a bird poop once on my head whilst my once helping my mum in the Garden. Also I've got a thing about taking pictures of nature down little snicket ways and alley ways that people go past and some are just so oblivious to nature plugged into their iphones or what not with music blaring out or dog walkers more worried about their dogs... Mind you maybe some see the world like this the true love of nature... the people that love strolling to look around them not just cos their determined to get somewhere.  Does that make sense? First a blurry (sorry about that) picture of the tea bags I leave out for people or hand to people along with new business cards that I've just got from bananna print!! Good Quality too!
  Going down that same snicket* way! The park at the end of one of the roads.Another view.The famous poor Vetran Oak Tree.The 'imposter' blue bells!
Somewhere down that snicket I have a geocache!

SHROOMS! .... sadly the other one was kicked about and destroyed by nature haters!
Going round on the bike I found a little gem stone someone had lost so I typed a tag out and going to see if it was still there which it was... I tied it to a lampost and hoping someone will find it! Of course with my card! :D


Bright Blessings and stay strong Moonbeams! :D

Rae. <3 )O(


  1. Thank you for your kindness, I love mango & strawberry tea & I also love nature ��

    1. Hello Moonbeam (Seem to call all the readers of my blog that now, that I don't know their names!) Thank you glad you enjoyed one of my tea bags! I hope you get this reply as it says Anonymous and not sure if it will or not! ... But thank you who ever you are! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Just put some sweets out on doors and lamposts near the raskelf rd area here. Thank you so much again! :D


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